All about the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship

All about the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship

Prizes with a total value of over CHF 80,000 to be won

Play Jass and win great prizes. The three most successful participants in the boot camp will each win a shopping voucher worth 100 francs. The 100 lucky people who get through the semi-finals – which is also possible without taking part in the boot camp – will win prizes even before the final event. All finalists will receive a gift package worth at least 700 francs. The Jass King or Queen can even look forward to prizes worth over 4,500 francs in addition to the trophy.

Even those who have not played Jass quite as successfully can still hope for a prize. All participants in the qualification phase also have the chance to win one of 15 Coop vouchers worth 100 francs each. Anyone who motivates a colleague to take part in the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship will also be entered into the draw for 10 scratch card packages worth 100 francs each. The more colleagues you encourage to play, the more often you'll be entered into the draw.

Prize categoryDescription of prizesNumber
Worth at least
1A Coop shopping voucher worth CHF 4,000, an annual subscription to “Blick”, scratch cards worth CHF 100 and a game credit for plus other gifts1CHF 4,500
2-4A Coop shopping voucher worth CHF 1,000, an annual subscription to “Blick”, scratch cards worth CHF 100 and a game credit for plus other gifts3CHF 1,500
5-102A Coop shopping voucher, an annual subscription to “Blick”, scratch cards worth CHF 100 and a game credit for plus other gifts98CHF 700
Boot CampThe three boot camp participants with the match with the highest number of points will win a Coop shopping voucher worth 100 francs.3CHF 100
Drawn by lots15 Coop vouchers worth 100 francs15CHF 100
Drawn by lotsFor every successful recommendation, you will be automatically entered into the draw where we're giving away 10 packets of scratch cards worth 100 francs each. 10CHF 100