All about the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship

All about the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship

Invite friends

Have you already played your two daily matches during the qualification phase? No problem! You can get bonus matches with the "invite friends" feature.

Here’s how easy it is:

You simply need to send your personal link to friends or acquaintances. To forward the link:

  • Click on the e-mail symbol. This will open an e-mail with template text and the invitation link. Of course, you can edit and personalize the text before sending it.
  • Click on the sheet icon to copy the link and e.g. send it via WhatsApp or text message.

If the person invited clicks on the link, they will be taken straight to the website of the 8th Swiss Schieber Championship. They can now take part in the championship.

As soon as the person plays a match, you receive the two bonus matches.

Invite friends and benefit twice over

For every successful recommendation, you'll receive two bonus matches and will be automatically entered into the draw where we're giving away 10 packets of scratch cards worth 100 francs each. The more friends who enter, the higher your chances of winning!

Tip: to receive the bonus match, the person invited must use the link you sent them to go to the website and may not have participated in the championship yet


Can I see who has already played using the link I sent?

Yes and no. You cannot see who has used the link. But you can see how many bonus matches you have received.

When do I receive the bonus match?

For this to work, someone who has NOT YET played Jass in this year's championship needs to click on the link and play a match. As soon as the person has played a complete match via the link, you receive the bonus match.

When can I play the bonus matches?

You can play these during the qualification phase. Bonus matches are only activated when the two matches for one day have already been played.

How many bonus matches can I receive?

The number of bonus matches is unlimited. The more people you invite, the more opportunities you have to play a qualification match for the semi-final.